Deviation, as it is most commonly known as, is a state of nasal obstruction caused by the middle wall of the nose slipping from the midline. It is also known as nasal bone.

The nose is a tunnel divided into two by a wall in the middle. The medical name for this wall is “septum nasale”. Inner width and length of each tunnel are healthy when their volume is close to each other.

The middle wall of the nose is covered with a thin membranous layer on both sides. Between these layers, there is cartilage in the anterior-upper parts and a bone wall in the posterior-lower parts.

A healthy nose expands behind the narrowing in the front entrance hole. In this large area, it heats, moisturizes, filters, directs it to certain areas (olfactory area, sinuses) and thus allows it to pass into the upper throat just behind it. The upper throat (nasal cavity) entrance at the back is also narrow, just like the front entrance hole.

The presence of a problem anywhere in the nasal tunnel from the entrance to the exit means blocking the air passage. The most common reason for this is the swelling, protrusion and bump of the middle wall of the nose.

These conditions may also occur after the development of facial bones after birth, namely genetic predisposition or a subsequent impact.

The solution to this problem can be corrected with an operation that we call septoplasty with a success of over 90%.

SEPTOPLASTY (Bone curvature surgery)

In cases where the nasal septum is in a curved position for various reasons and septum deviation is seen, the surgical operation in which the bone and cartilage tissues are arranged is called “Septoplasty” (septum deviation surgery). During this operation, the bone tissues that prevent breathing in the nose are removed and the existing cartilage tissues are rearranged and positioned appropriately.